First you must have a USB flash drive (or SD card). Please beware that the USB disk will be erased permanently before ISO file extracts in it. So make sure you either use a blank disk or backup (copy/cut and paste) your important data to hard disk.
Download Windows 7 ISO file
Make sure you have downloaded Windows ISO image. If you have not, first download Windows 7 ISO file. You have choice to choose edition and version (32-bit / 64-bit) according to your system type.
Feeling lazy? Here are all 6 editions of Windows 7:
Choose any edition and download ISO file. Once downloaded, proceed ahead.
Create Windows installation USB from ISO file
You need an ISO to USB maker software. Here are the best ISO to USB software:. Choose any one of these tools:
- Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool (from Microsoft)
- Rufus USB (Recommended)
Though Microsoft has released its own tool but we recommend you Rufus. It is much faster, simple and the best Windows ISO to USB media creation software.
How to use Rufus to load ISO and extract on USB drive?
As we mentioned above, Rufus is pretty simple to use and fast in performance. Follow these steps:
- Insert a USB drive (4 GB minimum, but 8 GB recommended).
- Launch Rufus.
- Click on Select button and select the Windows ISO file.
- Press Start button at the bottom to start processing.
Learn more >> How to download and use Rufus USB tool to create Windows USB from ISO

All done. Just wait to finish the ISO to USB extraction process and your Windows 7 Ultimate USB installation media will be ready.
How to use Windows 7 DVD/USB Tool
Here is full tutorial on how to use Windows 7 DVD/USB Download Tool to create Windows USB from ISO
How to use Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool?
Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool
It is a smart software with minimal yet elegant interface. This tool will take care of USB/DVD creation process step by step. It is a kind of wizard system. Here is detail of all four steps:
Step 1 : Choose ISO file
This is the first screen. You need to choose source file of Windows 7 ISO image. Click on Browse button and locate Windows 7 bootable image ISO file.
Win7 image file must have .iso extension. None of other disc image format (nrg, cdd etc.) is supported in Windows 7 USB/DVD tool.
After you select ISO file, you are ready for step 2. Press Next button.
Step 2 : Choose media type
Choose the media type for Windows 7 bootable image. You have two choices:
USB device
The USB media must have at least 4GB storage to create Win7 USB device.
In case of DVD, a single disc is enough to make Windows 7 DVD.
We recommend to insert USB or DVD before you press Next button.
Step 3 : Insert USB device / DVD
This tool will automatically detect media if you already have inserted USB device or DVD. You can recognize media by drive letter ( D: E: F: etc).
If you did not insert USB device or DVD then insert and press Refresh button. Wait a few seconds until the media appears.
If you have more than one USB devices connected, make sure you have selected the correct device. You can match and verify drive letter in My Computer folder.
All data on USB device will erase permanently. The device needs format before starting Windows 7 ISO to USB creation process.
Press Begin copying to start when everything is fine.
Step 4 : Windows 7 backup creation
The process will start in this step. Windows 7 USB/DVD download tool will create Windows 7 bootable USB device or DVD from ISO file.
Wait until the process is finished. This may take about 10-15 minutes.
Eject the disc/media when done. You are ready to install Windows 7 from USB/DVD now.