Windows 10 (1507) x86

File Size2.9 GB
Create DateJune 7, 2023
Last UpdatedMarch 9, 2024

Windows 10 (version 1507) memory (RAM) support

In version 1507, all editions are available in both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) architecture. 32-bit architecture is limited to only 3.5 GB memory usage, while on 64-bit architecture, only the Home edition is limited to a maximum of 128 GB RAM. While the other four editions (Pro, Enterprise, Enterprise LTSC, and Education) support 2 GB RAM.

What’s New in Windows 10 (1507) update?

This was the first release of Windows 10, so everything was new in this release of Windows 10. However, the most exciting features are listed here:

  • Microsoft Edge
  • Windows 7 like Start Menu
  • Task View
  • Cortana
  • Virtual Desktop
  • New theme and visual styles
  • Settings as a control panel

Learn more about Windows 10 (1507) >>

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